Your Marketing Team In A Box.

Give your organization the thing it needs most — you! Leave the marketing to us and get back to doing what you do best. Gain an entire remote communications team for less than the cost of a full time hire.

Here's how it works


Book a Discovery Call
You'll find out more about how Squad Service could be a game changer for your organization.


Welcome Aboard!
A dedicated Account Executive will walk you through our 7 Step onboarding process to understand your needs and help you get massive clarity on your longterm marketing goals.


We Get to Work
Your Account Executive scopes the work, manages projects, and hires the perfect freelancers from the Share Marketplace, the largest database of impact driven talent on the planet.


Your Work Gets Done
Your projects get done and your team gets to start taking vacations. A well oiled Squad can expect the deliverable output of a full-time team member. Talk about something to celebrate!
Book Your Discovery Call

What Can My Team Do?

Video Editing / Motion Graphics / Animation
Graphic Design and Illustration for Print, Social, or Promotional Graphics
Social Media Content Creation / Posting / Management
Email Marketing Campaigns, Copywriting, and Blogs
Paid Ad Campaigns
Audio Mastering / Editing
Website Design and Development
Data Analytics and ChMS Management
SMS Campaigns
And More!

Frequently Asked Questions

Will I be able to always use the same Strategist?
Yes. When you sign up for Share Services, you will be assigned a Strategiest. That person will be your primary point of contact for your services. They will be the person who translates your creative needs into projects to be fulfilled by the Share talent team. 

Your leader will not change to provide you with a seamless experience, although the creatives they work with may change to make sure you’re getting the highest quality work available to fit your needs and budget.
Do I get to pick the freelancers from the talent collective?
Usually, that role would fall to your Strategist. 

If you have worked with a particular Creative on Share’s platform and would like to request that Creative for your Services team, you can let your Strategist  know. We will reach out to them and see if they are able to commit to the hours and budget necessary to be a part of your Squad. 

You can also bring feedback at any time to your Strategist. If you’re very impressed with something they present you with from the Services Team, let them know! The more you communicate with them about the work, the better we will be able to anticipate your needs in the future.
Is my squad leader an employee or 1099 for our organization?
All Strategists and Service Team members are contracted through Share, which means we handle their payments, not you. Your organization will not need to worry about issuing 1099s to them at the end of the year. You pay Share for a service and we pay the 1099 Contractors. 

If you have more questions about how Share would fit into your taxes, please consult an accounting professional.
Do my Talent Blocks roll over if they’re not used?
Talent Blocks roll over for one month. After that, unused hours are gifted by Share to an organization that cannot afford our services. With that being said, hours will seldom be rolling over.

Part of what Share Services does is help you plan further ahead so you’re not scrambling when you have a lot going on and sitting on your hands when you don’t. If you find that your Strategist is consistently asking you for more to do (because there isn’t enough work - not because they’re spectacularly attentive), you can look at downgrading to the next tier on Services. 
What if I need to go above the amount of hours on our plan?
If you find that every month you need more done than you have in your budget, you may need to look at upgrading to the next tier up of Squad Service. 

If you go over your hours and have no rolled over hours saved up, you will be charged $80/hour that you go over your allotted time for the month.
Are there long-term contracts to sign?
Squad Service does not come with a contract. There is a $500 onboarding fee, which includes Squad startup services. Every time you cancel Squad Service and start it back up again, you would pay that startup fee. 

If you decide to cancel Squad Service, we request 30 day notice so we can reassign our Squad Leaders to their next account without interrupting their incomes.
Can I change my plan if we need more or less help for a season?
Yes. You can upgrade or downgrade your tier for a season if you need more help. Over time, the benefit of Squad Service is that your Squad Leaders will help you plan things further in advance to minimize the ebb and flow of seasonal work
Our organization already has a great communications and creative team, how can a Squad help us?
Many organizations have shown interest in contracting Share Squad Service for that exact reason. Maybe your ministry has projects you’ve been dreaming about starting, but everyone is too weighed down by the Sunday-to-Sunday life to get them off the ground. You can export the weekly tasks to free your team up to work on the bigger projects you’ve been thinking about. 

Squad Service is also attractive to organizations who are successfully self-sustaining because that means they are ready to move to the next level and multiply. Squad Service is a great option for churches who are ready to open a new campus or satellite.
What's it like working with a fully remote solution like Share Squad Service?
Your Squad Leader might look a little flatter on your screen when you meet, but there’s not a lot of difference. 

Most of us are already doing all of our work online, sharing through the cloud, sending messages to the person in the other room rather than putting a few extra steps on our Apple watches… There’s not much difference. 

Our Squad Leaders are trained to intentionally build relationships even though they’re remote. We would ask the question, what’s it like to work with a person whose job it is to anticipate your every need and fill it?