
Saying "No" So You Can Say "Yes"

In the context of Christian non-profits, learning to say "no" is vital for maintaining focus and effectiveness. Drawing inspiration from Jesus, this blog explores the importance of time management, delegation, and staying true to an organization's mission. The post also dispels the myth of multitasking, emphasizing quality over quantity.
March 29, 2022
Saying "No" So You Can Say "Yes"

In the context of Christian non-profits, learning to say "no" is vital for maintaining focus and effectiveness. Drawing inspiration from Jesus, this blog explores the importance of time management, delegation, and staying true to an organization's mission. The post also dispels the myth of multitasking, emphasizing quality over quantity.In the fast-paced world of non-profit organizations, it's all too easy to find yourself overwhelmed with the demands of your mission. You're passionate about serving others, but the reality is that you can't do it all. To maintain focus, stay centered on your organization's vision, and be productive, you need to learn the art of saying "no." In this blog post, we'll explore the wisdom of Jesus and how it relates to time management, delegation, staying focused, and dispelling the myth of multitasking. Let's delve into these valuable lessons that can help you find the right balance and say "yes" to what truly matters.

Even Jesus Himself Said No

Jesus, the ultimate servant-leader, set a powerful example of saying "no" to distractions and temptations. He had a clear mission and purpose, and he stayed committed to it. The Gospels show that he often withdrew to quiet places to pray and recharge. In your non-profit work, following Jesus' example means prioritizing your relationship with God, setting clear objectives, and staying focused on your mission.

Time Management: You Can't Do It All

Time management is crucial for non-profits. Recognize that you have limited time and resources. Just as Jesus had only 24 hours in a day, so do you. Prioritize your tasks and delegate responsibilities when necessary. Say "no" to time-wasting activities that don't align with your mission.

Staying Centered on Your Organization's Vision

Like Jesus, who kept his eyes on the salvation of humanity, your organization should remain centered on its vision and mission. Say "no" to initiatives that don't align with your core purpose. Regularly review your vision statement to ensure that your activities are in harmony with your goals.


In the Bible, we see Jesus delegating tasks to his disciples. Delegation is a powerful tool to lighten your load. Don't be afraid to say "no" to the temptation of micromanaging everything. Empower your team to take ownership of tasks that match their strengths, and you'll achieve more together.

Focus & Distraction

In a world filled with distractions, it's essential to say "no" to interruptions that pull you away from your mission. Set aside dedicated time for important tasks and limit distractions. Jesus demonstrated focus by healing the sick and performing miracles despite the clamor of the crowds.

The Myth of Multitasking

While multitasking might seem like a way to do more, it often results in lower productivity and decreased quality of work. Jesus didn't try to heal multiple people at once or speak to multiple crowds simultaneously. He focused on one person or group at a time. Don't buy into the myth of multitasking; say "no" to spreading yourself too thin and focus on the task at hand.‍

Saying "no" is not a sign of weakness, but a powerful strategy to stay true to your mission and make a meaningful impact.

Take inspiration from the life and teachings of Jesus, manage your time wisely, stay centered on your vision, delegate tasks, maintain focus, and reject the myth of multitasking. By mastering the art of saying "no," you can truly say "yes" to what matters most and fulfill your organization's calling.

Remember, Share is here to support your non-profit organization with marketing services using freelance talent. Contact us today to explore how our services can help you achieve your mission while saying "no" to the unnecessary distractions.